Thursday 12 January 2012

Inspire 52 - Week 2. The Rules Of The Game

Okay, I have written about three opening paragraphs, and for some reason I can't seem to express what it is I want to say ... so I will hand it straight over to my idol Mary Poppins to explain ...

"In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and - SNAP - the job's a game!" Mary Poppins

Thank you Mary. I don't think I need to elaborate more, you see I tried to, but it didn't work out, which brings me back to Inspire 52 Rule No.1 - Keep it simple (1) For full list of rules see end of Blog

After I began at the beginning with Week 1, my mind went into overdrive about what I could or should be doing, making or creating in order to make this project a success. But there are in fact no coulds or shoulds about it, note Rule No.2 -There are no rules. In trying to force myself to come up with a revolutionary life changing concept for Week 2, I remembered that I am actually doing this for fun! Yes, it is indeed a challenge, a 'job' that I have decided to 'do', but this job must be 'fun' ... note to self... repeat Rule No.3 - Have fun at all times x4, chant Rule No.1 for one minute followed by a round of Rule No.2.

Ok I think that's done the trick! (Hazel now deletes the original three paragraphs she wrote).
If you are still with me by now 'hurrah!', cos this is the bit where we get to the art! With the implementation of Rules No. 1-3 now firmly in place, welcome to Inspire 52 Week 2 ...

It's the simple things in life that are the most extraodinary. Paulo Coelho

This quote is not to imply that I have done something extraordinary, (or maybe I have ;-) but it is the deeper meaning of the experience which is in fact extraordinary to me - Dance ... I love it! A couple of months ago I was introduced to my first experience of BioDanza. I had been wanting to start dancing again and fancied doing something a bit more creative than ... 'and a 1234 and side 234, turn 234' ... and was invited to a BioDanza class ... it was exactly the kind of different I was looking for. Since then I have done about eight classes and simply love it. I just love the enlivening journey of dancitivity and the inner imaginariumation it takes you into during the lesson. (Yes I did just make those words up - artistic licence darling!)

This week was rather special. Due to the roof of the theatre having blown off in the recent storms (slight exaggeration) we were re-located to a ballroom in an old mansion House ... (I know!) As I walked in the room eight large chandeliers adorned the ceiling and flying above them were painted swallows on the ceiling. Magic... this dance was going to be magic, I could feel it.

Birds flying high you know how I feel. Nina Simone 

I spent the first half hour continuing to glance at the ceiling, and as each dance took place, we were all guided into a journey of movement. We were simply asked to 'Be and breathe the music'.

As the bird flew above us, I wandered how many people they had seen dancing in this ball room below them.

As we dance into a place where our souls are born
Every beat of yesterday from our body is torn.
An expression of freedom from soul and heart
Dance into the light, a youthful beginning, a sweet start.
Beautiful sparks of the divine, why aren't we living it?
Dare, love, express, dissolve into the music.
                                                                                                                                                  Hazel Evans

Dancing is an expression of freedom and connection. Connection to the people you dance with, a connection to yourself - body and mind, a connection to the floor we perform on and to the air that passes through our lungs.
I do not have the body of a Ballerina, but I do have my own expression and my own story to dance.

I do not have the wings of a bird, but I do have my own funky moves that will continue to take me on my journey.

And so this is where I have been taken for Week 2. I let go of my coulds and shoulds, I established and implemented the rules of my game, realised that my dance doesn't actually require any rules and as a result had a lot of fun. (Note Rule No. 3)

(1) Inspire 52 Rules:
No. 1 - Keep it simple
No. 2 - There are no rules
No. 3 - Have fun at all times
No. 4 - Make up rules
No. 5 - Break the rules
No. 6 - All rules are subject to change
No. 7 - TBC
(Rules 4 to 7 will be covered in another blog!)

P.S. There are no rules to the dance ... until next week, keep dancing!

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