Wednesday 4 January 2012

Inspire 52 - Week 1. Begin At The Beginning

Bring on the fireworks and the Champagne ... my 2012 artistic challenge has begun!

52 inspirations (translated + regurgitated + communicated) = 52 works of art. What have I committed myself to? Will I be able to do this? Where do I begin?

'The White Rabbit put on his spectacles. "Where shall I begin, please your Majesty?" he asked. "Begin at the beginning," the King said gravely, "and go on till you come to the end: then stop." '
(Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Chapter 12)

I do suppose the best place is to start at the beginning, and so I shall begin ... here goes!

I had several ideas for how I wanted to start my Inspire 52 challenge, but the plan I started to concoct last week changed in the lead up to the New Year, and it is through that failure of Plan A that Plan B kicked into action ... and that's where my Week 1 begins.

I began asking myself 'what is inspiration?' and 'where does it come from?' so I simply began to gently observe the 'present' life around me. You see, two weeks ago I had no plans for New Year celebrations and then all of a sudden I find myself at a great party with live music from Richard James, the cast of Cinderella from Lighthouse, a costume designer who very kindly fixed my black wig, and I was waving a sparkler outside at midnight! The next day, New Years Day (minus the wig!), I made my way into the woods to spend the afternoon in a self-sustaining eco-lodge with some nice people I have only recently met. Sauna, steaming hot tub in the pouring rain, dancing, napping, eating energising food - Not bad for one afternoon's work!

The following morning, 2nd January, I woke at sunrise with the sunbeams breaking through the trees and into my bedroom window. I took my lovely new Moleskine black notebook and a pen with me as I wrapped up warm and ventured into the morning woodland, walking on the orange bed of fallen leaves sponging under my feet. The birds were tweeting and deer ran though the trees as they caught ear and sight of me. I began thinking about what had been inspiring to me since the beginning of this new year. I felt energised by the location and by the fact that I had just spent the last two days with people who I didn't know very well, but had been invited to share some wonderful experiences with, and for this I felt very grateful.

What was inspiring me right now? The music, singing and dancing; the sense of freedom that doing these things infuses in me. New ventures, new faces and new places; the feeling of being enlivened through new experiences. The fresh air, sunshine and the trees; stimulating a sense of love within my heart.

Inspire = infuse, enliven, stimulate

I sat on a log facing the sun, took a deep breath with my eyes closed. Opened my eyes and then opened my notebook. This is what came out...

What a gift to welcome the year,
It all begins from this place right here.
Another day just like before,
But this one's different from the last I saw.

Another day not like the last,
Different from the ones of past.
As the morning sun casts light on my skin,
It conjures up something else from within.

A new day, a new way.
A new ticket to play the game my way.

And so it seems that my first Inspire 52 takes the form of a poem with an accompanying illustration. Raw, Brut, Premiere Cru from my notebook. (I must admit, it does feel a little exposing opening up my notebook and scribbles onto the face of the internet ... this feels like this is going to be an interesting journey on many levels!).

I did share my piece with Caroline Parrott, from Make 52, and she said 'That's it, you've done it!', so I guess I had!! But it wasn't quite finished for me, so I took the poem and the sketch and incorporated them into one illustration, this is the final piece below.

Upon drawing this piece and getting absorbed into its lines and words I realised that this picture actually does represent the beginning of a new journey for me. I didn't really think about it when I was splurging it into my notebook, but it seems so obvious now looking at the image. I don't think I need to spell it out, I will leave it up to your own interpretation.

I don't really know what I was expecting, but I guess my Week 1 has marked the beginning of my journey into the word 'Inspire' and what it means to be inspired. A simple start that will lead me on an unknown creative voyage. At least I know now that I have indeed begun from the beginning.

One down, 51 to go! I hope you have enjoyed beginning at the beginning with me and continue to join me for the ride :-)

Until next week - Over and out x

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