"Time and tide wait for no man"
St. Marher, 1225
(Note to self ... find another time related quote before the end of this blog).
So here we are, time has brought us bright and spangly into spring. It's been glorious sunshine all week here in this part of England ... simply a divine way to welcome the longer days. It does strangely feel a bit like summer, so are we in fact ahead of our time?
I have been trying to give myself a bit more time and have started to voyage to nearby destinations on foot. This has given me the opportunity to enjoy the trees, which have begun to wake up, and take a medatative moment of 'just stop working the brain so hard 24/7'. I do love a good stroll, even if it is in an urban environment and the traffic is shouting loudly, I tend to pop in the tunes and absorb the fine notes, then find zen in the pace. Of course, one cannot beat a lovely promenade down the beach promenade ... that is, after all, what it was designed for and indeed fulfils it's role perfectly!
Take Time Out
From where do you actually take time 'out' of? Can we take time out of the cupboard, a box or a bag? 'Honey, can you just take the time out of the freezer, it needs to defrost in time for dinner!'
In Time
Can you actually get in time? Like, climb right inside it? If you can be in good time, can you also be in sticky time? What does it look like inside time? I think it would be an interesting place to visit....
Sorry ... I'm getting way too surreal ... it's 1:59 am on Friday morning and I am feeling a bit delirious ... need sleep ... must ... log out ... come ........ back .................tomorrow ......zzzzz
I'm back! ... Friday morning ....
Time... an hour ... a minute ... a second ... a moment ... a beat ...
The inspiration hit me like a big surprise party this week. I really didn't know what was going to happen until Thursday afternoon. During a meeting with a collaborator for my upcoming exhibition it just all made sense and the light bulb came on. Music - art - music - art - music - art - perfect combination - indeed, 'thus not one and the same?' I ask!
I will be working with Timo Peach from Momotempo on the sound-scape for 'Adventures into The Monochronium' and I'm not going to say anymore than that because my plans for the exhibition are just getting more exciting by the minute!
Week 13
Ahh, a bakers dozen, an extra one in the pack, what a bonus ... can I have a scone with my tea? ... and nope, 13 O'clock does not exist on my clock!
Temporary image ... not with my nice camera at the mo'mo'
Will re-post with lovely pics soon and let you know on www.facebook.com/HazelEvansArtist
Timo gave me some listening homework to do which was perfect for the creation of this new piece. I knew what I had to do, and it fitted in perfectly with an illustration I wanted to create using this old clock face circle. This clock design is going to belong on the front of my new portable artist home. It is, as we speak, in construction by Arts University College students at Bournemouth ... and this clock will feature on my front door. It is indeed coming along well and will be ready in about 3 weeks. It includes a wardrobe, a Post Office, a suitcase, a piano and a typewriter amongst many other things.
So back to the Momo ... I created this piece with time in mind and on The Midnight Road. http://soundcloud.com/momotempo/the-midnight-road
The journey was a short and a well executed one, as once I got on the path, it was smooth running from there. It took me over the threshold of midnight and continued into my dreams once I had put down my ink pen and rested my head in bed.
As usual, the story of this piece unravelled itself before me. And so the story began (this is the first time I am going to write it sentence after sentence by the way)...
One moment in time
Two spend or to keep?
Four you or me?
Jive alive
Biscuits travel
Wait for Tea.
Nine Lives ...
Play it again ...
Seven ...
Midnight Biscuits ... I think there is enough for everyone... you and me
Feel the beautiful warm sunshine ... I think there is enough for everyone... you and me
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
One ticket please ... where's my suitcase?
... all the trees are sleeping...
Trying to stay awake???
I think it makes sense! It does to me, I hope you get it too... (she glances at the text then back at the picture - text - picture - text - picture with The Midnight Road still playing in her ears) ... "Yes I think it makes sense!!"
Well that's this week done ... enjoy and have a great rest of week whatever you may be up to, wherever you may go, but what ever you do, make sure to spend a moment of utter enjoyment to fill your soul with joy ... somewhere and somehow it can be done ... music is a good place to start!
My next exhibition at Lighthouse Poole is going to be quite different from the last ... you will find out more next week ... so much is happening ... it's all kicking of ... join the ride ... we are going on a journey! ....
P.S. Momo, am lovin' the use of Mono!
Check out Momotempo - Awesome stuff
http://www.momotempo.co.uk/ http://soundcloud.com/momotempo
Oh!! almost forgot that quote I promised at the beginning of the blog... here's two that jumped out at me ...
"I must govern the clock, not be governed by it."
Golda Meir
"Know how to live the time that is given to you."