Reflection on Week 3.
Following last week's piece, I feel changed. Like I've opened a door that I am willing to gently walk through with mindful steps over the threshold. Don't worry my work is not going to get all intense all of a sudden! For those that really know me you will know that being a free fun spirit is very much my philosophy of living so 'peace and love man!'.... What gave such an impact with Face It Pierrot! was that the story revealed itself immediately before me without me realising what I had created. Normally the delay is a lot longer ... when I look back at my work years later I realise what it was really all about and how it reflected my life at that time. I think this recent develpoment has been an imporatant part of the journey so far...
Week 4
Monday 21:08 GMT
So onto Week 4 and I thought I would do a kind of daily progress report this week. Regarding the inspiration, well I was just sitting here this evening thinking what the heck would inspire me this week ... and then it came to me ... Dragons! Today is the New Chinese Year, the year of the Dragon ... and I am a Dragon! Not the kind of old hag of a dragon that peers out from behind her net curtains or hits you with her handbag, but instead a Fire Dragon, and yes, somewhere inside me I am a magical dragon!
I have spent many years trying to hide my dragon, suppressing my creativity, my passion and my self. Believing that playing small would keep me safe and giving others permission to ride my Dragon.
'Hiccup: [Walking through the forest and crossing out his map] Oh, the gods hate me. Some people lose their knife or their mug, no not me! I manage to lose an entire dragon.'
How to Train Your Dragon - Movie
In actual fact this has lead me into much danger, confusion and down a path into a dense forest with no breadcrumbs, impossible to take flight because the trees above are so entwined they form a matted canopy of branches ... But now ... I feel like I am on a Yellow Brick Runway, preparing for flight, sitting firmly on top of my dragon! - (just got a bit dramatic there, was enjoying the story that was being conjured!)
So I guess what I am trying to say is that I am aiming to celebrate the Dragon this week, and over the next seven days try to illustrate my Dragon.
'Eragon: You can hear my thoughts!
Saphira: I've waited a thousand years to hear your thoughts and now you can hear mine. I am Saphira, and you are my Rider.' Eragon - Movie
Tuesday 21:38
In no particular order, my top 5 Dragon films:
- Eragon
- How to Train Your Dragon
- Spirited Away
- Avatar
- The Lord of the Rings
Wednesday 23:38
Blue, part of me is definitely blue. Tonight as I was meditating during my yoga class, it just came to me ... of course I am a blue Dragon, I couldn't be anything else but blue!
Thursday 21:58
I am in fact a Piscean Fire Dragon... Odd combination given that water usually extinguishes the fire ... did the fire actually evaporate my water?
... red dot? ... .
... I'm still waiting ...
Friday L:8
Fire Burns
Tonight I went to The Mayor of Bournemouth's Burn's Night evening. I was wondering how this would help me in the quest for my Dragon.
When I got home, before going to bed I popped into my studio and randomly opened an old book that was on the desk, it happened to be English Quotations published in 1937 and I opened it on Burns (seriously, what are the chances!) So here is the last verse from the poem 'A Red, Red Rose' that jumped off the page at me.
And fare thee weel, my only luve;
And fare thee weel a while!
And I will come again, my luve,
Though it were ten thousand mile.
It seems that there are always journeys to be made and people going places.
Is my Dragon linked to love? Is my quest for the Dragon actually a quest of love? with whom? ... What is happening? hmmm
Saturday earl:y pm
I am exhausted today... (no not hungover! I was driving last night :-) ... just exhausted, need a bit of 'quiet time'.
I feel like I have not really achieved what I have wanted to achieve in finding my Dragon. The inspiration was there at the beginning of the week, maybe it is still there... still incubating ... Maybe it is not about the end result but about how you get there, and when you think you are there, being ready to explore further? I don't know ...
Anyway, today I thought I would throw some ink onto a bit of paper in the true spirit of furthering my black and white adventure. Even that turned out not as planned as the black was spewing shades of red, purple and blue at me. So I put the tunes on and decided to switch the brain off and just enjoy a simple moment ... just me and the ink.
Hiccup: Oh, for the love of... I was a coward! I was weak! I wouldn't kill a dragon!
Astrid: You said "wouldn't" that time.
Hiccup: Well, whatever! I wouldn't! 300 years, and I'm the first Viking who wouldn't kill a dragon.
Astrid: First to ride one, though. So...?
Hiccup: [sighs] I wouldn't kill him, because he looked as frightened as I was. I looked at him, and I saw myself.
How to Train Your Dragon - Movie
Sunday Just:Sunday
Sorry if this blog seems so disjointed, vague and have no point to it. I feel like I'm skirting around something, perhaps with a big frilly tutu ... If you have managed to read between the lines, perhaps you may have enjoyed this week's exploration?
I will refer back to Week 2 and The Rules Of The Game, Rule No. 1 - Keep it simple and No. 3 - Have fun at all times. I still seem to be trying to find my footing with this project ... what's it all about?
Eragon: I need to know, Saphira. Why me?
Saphira: You choose a leader for his heart.
Eragon: But I'm not without fear.
Saphira: Without fear there cannot be courage. But when we are together, it is our enemies who should be afraid.
Eragon: And are we together, Saphira?
[draws his sword]
Eragon: AS ONE?
Saphira: [Saphira breathes fire for the first time]
Eragon: I'll take that as a yes.
[the battle starts]
Eragon: Into the sky. To live or to die!
Eragon - Movie

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