Sunday, 29 July 2012

Inspire 52 - Week 30. Battle For The Winds

You may remember in week 27 I prepared 20 butterflies for The Portaland Blue Butterfly Project which is part of Battle for The Winds and The Cultural Olympiad. I really should have made 27 as I like playing with numbers in that way ... anyway ... Week 30 is actually 27 in as much as it has the 27th July in it and that means the launch of the Butterfly Project ... watch them fly out of the page!

So I was invited to be part of the perfomance for Battle for the Winds Part 2. Duldum's Lair which involved over 3000 butterflies in the end would you believe!

"Portland's High Angle Battery becomes the setting for an evocative performance created by Portland Islanders working with Lorna Rees, Activate Performing Arts. Dancers will perform within the battery itself to a soundtrack created using the voices of local people.

This historic and derelict landmark will also form the backdrop to an installation of 2692 blue butterflies - the rare Cretaceous Silver Studded Blue which is unique to Portland - each butterfly represents a young person who lives on the island. Visit the site and hear tales from islanders, explore the atmospheric 'ghost tunnels', encounter the dancers and try and discover just where Doldrum lurks..."

From Battle for The Winds Website


Here are the illustrations created during the event.

The first one was during the dress rehearsal where I had more time to start to get a feel of the landscape. As the performances began I had to re-set the butterflies that flew out from my sketch book and create a new piece. The flow was very beautiful to work on in fact, as it was very fluid and changed with the flow of new audiences coming to watch for each performance.

I was inspired by not only the butterflies that came and fluttered around me, but also the silence in which they fluttered carried by the warm summer breeze.

Towards the end, the performances got closer together and this has reflected in the landscapes of the images - I like very much that at the beginning there is lots of ink on the page and then towards the end, one butterlfy fluttering off into the sky - This whole sequence in itself represents the feeling of development of the performance art with a beautiful end to a beautiful day.

These are the sequence of illustrations below - Click on the images to enlarge


Portland Blue Butterfly
Fly oh fly through the winds of the blue seas,
Across waters emerging waves sprinkling sweet life
To the door of the earth connecting with winged keys,
As the mists flutter softly into the sky.
Hazel Evans July 2012


If you would like to have a one off souvenir of the Portland Blue Butterfly Project and of the Cultural Olympiad 2012, I have decided to sell all the art works and donate 20% to the Butterfly Conservation Charity -

Exclusive Offer:
Original Hazel Evans ink on watercolour paper.
Signed and numerically ordered.
The Portland Blue Butterlfy Poem hand inked on the reverse of each illustration.
There are only 7 originals to document this event and no prints will be made.

Special unframed prices:
Dress Rehearsal  - £75 - SOLD
Performance 1    - £55 - SOLD
Performance 2    - £55
Performance 3    - £55
Performance 4    - £55
Performance 5    - £55
The End              - £35

Please email to reserve and pay for your picture, or any other enquiries.

For more information on my work please visit

And before I go ... here's just a lttle montage I put together ... 

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Inspire 52 - Week 29. Night Swimming

The imbalance of the torn tendon in my foot has caused back strain and a whole load of wonkiness in the spine ... which thanks to a few visits to the Chiropractor, I am now in line again ... however... this week, I work through the pain of the stressed out muscles and just let something happen ... this is what happened ...

By the way... there was very little thinking involved ... it's more like an artistic spew!

Night Swimming

In line of the piercing spine
The rhyme stopped the ticking time
Change is a foot for a new pair of specks
As I waited in the queue to be checked

It is the place for the bold to go
a place unfolded from an unfolding flow
Into the arms of another so bright
Out of the arms and into the night

Keep in line a voice came from beyond
As the slippery path delved into the pond
Floating and boating under the water
The voice was falling and nobody caught her

Amongst the reeds and the leaf fallen trees
The water was cold as it bubbled and breathed
The fish swan beside me and flickered scaled light
And I swam deeper and deeper into the night

The reeds grew taller and as I swam to a wall
At the bottom of the pond a door not for us all.

I long to dance and jump around and back to 100% Hazel again ... but I can't help feeling that this is one of those life lessons that acts as a pivotal point in the compass of life ... new directions ...

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Inspire 52 - Week 28. Change Is A Foot

It all of a sudden occurred to me that this is what I should call this blog, 'Change Is A Foot', in the most obvious sense a lot of change is happening at the moment and despite the injury to my foot, I would have to say that it is all really great and exciting stuff.

Walking Through Bruises

Walking though the footsteps of yesterdays bruises
Blue running though my veins, it stains and infuses,
Reminding me that I am the result of all the days
I've left behind and journeyed through this maze.

Les blues sont imprimé sur ma peau comme des tatouages
Les échelles monte de plus en plus haut, étage sur étage,
Et encore ils sont la, les bleus d'hier me regarde,
Sans savoir changer, me laisser partir, prendre l'écarte.

Stop. The clock stopped on this story a long time ago,
These footsteps are mine and they shine on my new show.
Stop. I was asked to stop, take time, reflect and think,
One stride connects to another completing the missing link.

French verse translation

The bruises are printed on my skin like tattoos
The ladder goes higher and higher, level upon level,
And still they are there, yesterday's bruises look at me,
Without knowing how to change, or letting me go, or stepping away.

Due to current internet access I am unable to upload all the work in progress pictures... I will do this at a later date.

Friday, 6 July 2012

Inspire 52 - Week 27. Portland Blue Butterfly Project

Week 27 = 27 July

"On 27 July, 2692 handmade blue butterflies will be studded all over the High Angle Battery in Portland as part of 'Doldrum's Lair'.

To celebrate the unique Cretaceous Silver Studded Blue Butterfly which is only found in Portland, local artists and members of the public are coming together to create a butterfly to represent every young inhabitant of Portland. To make this possible, we'd like you to help make a butterfly.

This project is part of Battle for the Winds, which is managed by Activate Performing Arts in partnership with Portland Community Partnership and will form part of the opening ceremony for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The Doldrum's Lair project is kindly funded by the Arts Council." Lorna Rees - Portland Blue Butterfly Project

And so I set about making some inky blue butterflies this week ...



Portland Blue Butterfly
Fly oh fly through the winds of the blue seas,
Across waters emerging waves sprinkling sweet life
To the door of the earth connecting with winged keys,
As the mists flutter softly into the sky.
Hazel Evans July 2012



Click on the images to enlarge

And so here we are  ... 20 butterflies, ready to fly into the sky and join the Portland Blue Butterfly Project... in the post they go ...

Lorna Rees, who is managing the project is an awesomely creative and inspiring person - we have crossed paths on many occasions as she also works at Lighthouse a lot with Activate Performing Arts, so I was delighted to hear about this project and thought it would be great to contribute some inkyness for the project as feature it as part of Inspire 52. Indeed there is no better timing than this week to have done this - Week 27 and the launch of the butterfly project is 27th - Couldn't have timed it better, even if I do say so myself!

... I hope you like my butterflies Lorna :-)

It has been great to create a new piece outside of my work on The Monochronium, but to still use the bluey black inky has been great ... I'm loving this ink ... The poem just came to me as I was in the zone - just zoning out with the butterflies, imagining them fluttering over the Portland landscape, in the headlands on the coastline.

Other than blue butterflies ... this week has bought me new challenges in the form of moving house and getting torn ankle ligaments in left ankle ... I have certainly some interesting blue tones going on on my ankle which can be seen as 'interesting'! ... and, oh the joy of crutches and moving around about 4x slower than usual ... it certainly gives you a new perspective on everyday whereabouts ... I wonder if this will have implications on next weeks Inspire 52?

Elevation Embarkation