Thursday, 29 December 2011

Inspire 52 - Week -1 Preparing for the Journey

With the beginning of the new year fast approaching I have been thinking about how to begin my Inspire 52 project. I have various ideas, concepts and visions but I think the thing is to keep it simple, see where it leads me and enjoy it, so that is my main aim - and no, I'm not giving anything away just yet!

I already have ideas on how I would like to begin, but nothing is decided yet ... Next year starts on Sunday and from then on I will have one week for each new piece of work and by the end of 2012 I will have a whole book worth of inspired creations that tell the journey of my artistic year in 2012 - How exciting is that!

I don't want to put any restrictions on what I make, produce, perform, paint, draw or write - I want to be free! [puts on magic hat] "Free! oh free like a bird with creative wings that flys sometimes high above the clouds with angels, fairies and unicorns and sometimes dives into the depths of the deepest ocean for a tea party with a family of starfish. Weaving and gliding through adventures she goes, and along the way so gathers a fluttering flock of experiences that fly behind her as pages of her artisic journal. Words and pictures bursting from the pages ..."

... blimey ... nothing like having a few days off work over the Festive season to get the creative cogs in motion!

Anyway, I may decide to do none, some or all of the above (including the flying part!), but what I do know is that I want to start next week with a celebration... so join me for the celebration and follow me on my artistic journey through 2012 ...

Photography By Danika Westwood
Including photography work for The Monochronium 2011

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Inspire 52 - Week -2 - What's It All About?!

I am getting revved up for the launch of my '52' project, a challenging art project which will take me on a creative journey through 2012, whereby I will document my art practice through 52 new inspirations, one each week, over the coming year - and I have just received my logo today, so what better time but to launch my blog!! Yay!

I will document each new piece of my journey and communicate my findings, art work, poems or other pieces I create on this blog so that you can follow my ups and down, revelations and frustrations of challenging my art practice over the next year - I'm really looking forward to it!! - So become my friend on Facebook, subscribe to my blog and follow my artistic journey over the next year - there is a lot to come so hold onto your hats and wigs! (I do love a good wig - see my Monochronium pics!!)

To see some of my previous work and blogs please link below

I am also delighted that my good friend, photo artist, event facilitator and perfectionist detail extraordinaire, Howard Shepherd will be joining me on the 52 journey for 2012 with 'Image 52'. Howard will be approaching the 52 project through the photographic image ... His blog is coming soon too - also check out his fab logo. Howard is the Director of 'FAB' Film Arts Bournemouth 2012 - so he will have lots of interesting insights into his artistic world coming up.

The first 52 project was launched by Caroline Parrott at the beginning of 2011 and she is almost at the end of her creative journey, on the first 52 project 'Make 52'. Each week Caroline has been making a new piece that furthers her artistic 'craft' practice, stretching and challenging herself through a journey of artistic exploration. I am delighted that over the last year our artistic paths have crossed on several occasions and I, and my work, have been the subject of Caroline's Make 52's on three occasions; The Bookshelf, The Monochronium, and also following me to illustrate a live performance.

Check out the links below and also explore her journey more on her blog.