I already have ideas on how I would like to begin, but nothing is decided yet ... Next year starts on Sunday and from then on I will have one week for each new piece of work and by the end of 2012 I will have a whole book worth of inspired creations that tell the journey of my artistic year in 2012 - How exciting is that!
I don't want to put any restrictions on what I make, produce, perform, paint, draw or write - I want to be free! [puts on magic hat] "Free! oh free like a bird with creative wings that flys sometimes high above the clouds with angels, fairies and unicorns and sometimes dives into the depths of the deepest ocean for a tea party with a family of starfish. Weaving and gliding through adventures she goes, and along the way so gathers a fluttering flock of experiences that fly behind her as pages of her artisic journal. Words and pictures bursting from the pages ..."
... blimey ... nothing like having a few days off work over the Festive season to get the creative cogs in motion!
Anyway, I may decide to do none, some or all of the above (including the flying part!), but what I do know is that I want to start next week with a celebration... so join me for the celebration and follow me on my artistic journey through 2012 ...
Photography By Danika Westwood
Including photography work for The Monochronium 2011